I really like macro photography as they reveal a world which is not obvious. As the depth of field is very limited in this situation, small apertures are a good thing. However the amount of light and diffraction is a problem at small apertures. So I typically try to keep to about f5.6 or so. But loo ...
The machine is leaking again with a small puddle of water below the machine. This time round, I got Highlander Coffee to take a look. They were really professional about it. They collected the machine the next day and two days later, the machine was back home fixed. They could not find the leak but ...
Saw this interesting advertisement, quite a cute and refreshing advertisement. However the discount percentages for 6 items is a bit off.
Back at Gardens by the Bay, this time with the camera and a macro lens :-)
Saw this interesting product called Sugar Soap. Googling shows that it is an alkaline solution for removing grease.
We had a belated birthday cake for Pauline. This is her favorite coffee cake from Bengawan Solo.
So we got these bananas which are supposed to have the fragrance of apples. There is a faint apple smell and after taste.
So the digital lock from Bosch has been acting up. It was very non-responsive, requiring several presses to get the door to open which was quite irritating. Called the seller and they said to change the batteries to Panasonic EVOLTA which were very expensive. However even after the change, it was no ...