Got all the knives sharpened and they look so organised on the knife bar.
Since I use ggplot2 on a regular basis to generate plots which the number of axis elements is often variable. I often need to determine the space taken by the axis labels. So it appears that the default for ggplot2 is helvetica 9 points for the axis labels. I generate a PDF plot using and then ope ...
Our kitchen knives really need some sharpening.
Donut wearing a sunflower cone as she was licking her butt again.
This year we celebrated Pauline's birthday with a BBQ at home and chicken nugget ice cream as a birthday cake.
Pauline got some passes to the zoo from school and we went for a trip in the morning.
Esther and I made some really small origami. I made the really small crane closest to the coin which Esther accidentally dropped into water.
Found a Python library/binary that will extract the macOS Photos entitled . Will try this would and see if it fits my need to copy out my photos for a backup.\n