Woke up at 6am today to walk to Chinese Garden to take photos of the sun rise. Well I did manage to catch the sun rise but there was a lack of interesting clouds resulting in a very plain looking sky.
Another attempt at taking photos of the moon using the 75-300. It is really quite difficult to achieve accurate focus even with a tripod as any slight movement results in a major shift in the image due to the extreme focal length. The craters are clearly visible but not as sharp as I would like them ...
The family took the opportunity on Sunday to walk to the coffee shop for breakfast. Along the way, we stopped by the playground where the kids had a good time at the playground.
While Esther had her art class at Fusionopolis, I took the opportunity to walk around and take some photos using the EM1 and the 12-40. I particularly like the wider part of the lens for this.
Had a bit of fun with Perfect Photo Suite 8 and Lightroom to create a more artistic looking image of a shot done at East Coast Park. Here is the final results of the processing. I like the final results as it gave the original image more character, like an old deserted spooky place. The colours are ...
Esther and I built a wooden dinosaur using a kit that Pauline brought. The kit was rather well made and we had a good time making it. The dinosaur has motors and sensors on it so it could respond to commands given using an IR remote. The following is the final dinosaur in all its glory. http://youtu ...
Esther with her sharp eyes spotted a smiley face on the cup handle.
While at the prawning place, Esther and I had a play with some long exposures on LED lights that were decorating the place. It is quite amazing that some simple LED lights on the tree below can turn into something so abstract. We set the shutter speed to about 1 sec and the aperture of f11 to create ...
We spent the afternoon at a prawning place next to the Jurong Bird Park. Everyone had a good time catching prawns. Ednalin and Ernest were rather good catching a couple of prawns each. There was fishing in the evening where one can get a rod for $5 and attempt to catch some fish. It was rather excit ...
I got roses for Pauline this Valentine's day. Guess what she got me? An Olympus EM1. Super happy with that. Made my gift look so lame.