MySQL data loader
11:48 AM on Thursday 18 September 2014

I do a lot of data loading into MySQL and wanting to save myself time doing this, I wrote a Java command line application to read a input tab delimited text file and load it into MySQL. The program will scan the columns and determine the data type automatically which saves quite a fair bit of time. ...

SEA Aquarium
10:51 AM on Friday 05 September 2014

We went to the SEA Aquarium with Anabelle on Teacher's day since I redeemed a couple of tickets using my Starhub points. Here are the photos.

Esther's letter animals
08:45 PM on Tuesday 02 September 2014

Esther drew this as part of her homework. I thought that it was very creative.

Ernest reading a book
08:43 PM on Tuesday 02 September 2014

A rather solemn looking picture of Ernest reading.

Esther's hot chocolate drink
08:40 PM on Tuesday 02 September 2014

Esther in her usual creative self decided to arrange her tiny marshmallow on her hot chocolate.

Replicating user accounts on linux
08:01 AM on Monday 01 September 2014

We have several linux servers based on CentOS. Since we have only a small number of these machines, we do not use LDAP but just simple username and passwords. When we have a new person, we just add that person to the main server and then copy the necessary lines in the files (/etc/passwd, /etc/shado ...

Website for testing audio
07:55 AM on Tuesday 26 August 2014

Check out which allows you to check out your audio equipment. I was hearing some hissing with the HF5 which did not appear when doing a frequency sweep so I guess that they are fine.

Drawing by Bernett and Esther
09:22 PM on Thursday 21 August 2014

I drew the picture and Esther colored it using her copic markers.

Amblyomma americanum
11:47 AM on Saturday 16 August 2014

Amblyomma americanum is a tick that causes meat allergies. What an interesting tick. Imagine the impact for dieting. Details at .

Swimming pool
10:38 AM on Sunday 10 August 2014

While we were at Changi Village Hotel, the kids took the opportunity to have a swim. The view from the pool at the top of the hotel was rather nice and I did a nice panorama.