Esther's School Sports Carnival
04:00 PM on Thursday 02 October 2014

Esther's school was having a Sports Carnival and Esther wanted us to go so off I went. Here are some pictures of her. She truly enjoyed herself. When you see the joyous side of things, everything becomes enjoyable. That is how she is, always happy at the smallest things. So happy for her.

Visit to Qian Hu
04:43 PM on Sunday 28 September 2014

We visited Qian Hu every once in a while since Esther likes to do the kiddie fishing there. Here are some of the photos taken.

Photo frame
10:20 AM on Tuesday 23 September 2014

Converted Pauline's first generation iPad into a photo frame. In the older versions of iOS, there is a built-in photo frame application which does not exist now. This mode is even more convenient. It is amazing that this was state of the art just a number of years back. It feels so so slow right now ...

Using awk to remove genotypes from a VCF file
08:28 AM on Friday 19 September 2014

Use the following awk command to strip the genotypes from a VCF files (when you just need the SNP information).

MySQL data loader
11:48 AM on Thursday 18 September 2014

I do a lot of data loading into MySQL and wanting to save myself time doing this, I wrote a Java command line application to read a input tab delimited text file and load it into MySQL. The program will scan the columns and determine the data type automatically which saves quite a fair bit of time. ...

SEA Aquarium
10:51 AM on Friday 05 September 2014

We went to the SEA Aquarium with Anabelle on Teacher's day since I redeemed a couple of tickets using my Starhub points. Here are the photos.

Esther's letter animals
08:45 PM on Tuesday 02 September 2014

Esther drew this as part of her homework. I thought that it was very creative.

Ernest reading a book
08:43 PM on Tuesday 02 September 2014

A rather solemn looking picture of Ernest reading.

Esther's hot chocolate drink
08:40 PM on Tuesday 02 September 2014

Esther in her usual creative self decided to arrange her tiny marshmallow on her hot chocolate.

Replicating user accounts on linux
08:01 AM on Monday 01 September 2014

We have several linux servers based on CentOS. Since we have only a small number of these machines, we do not use LDAP but just simple username and passwords. When we have a new person, we just add that person to the main server and then copy the necessary lines in the files (/etc/passwd, /etc/shado ...