New site
09:29 PM on Sunday 16 December 2018

After using Wordpress for the last couple of years, I have finally decided to do something new. So the posts are now stored in Evernote where I will use to create and update the posts. I have written a script taking advantage of the Evernote API to extract the posts from Evernote to the local databa ...

The cat again
04:26 PM on Sunday 16 December 2018

It is the same cat near our car again.

Esther’s painting of a wolf
04:13 PM on Sunday 16 December 2018

Esther did a painting of a wolf.

Cat on the car
12:22 PM on Saturday 15 December 2018

The cat strikes again.

Big Dog Cafe
04:30 PM on Thursday 06 December 2018

We went to the Big Dog Cafe in Bangkok after a failed attempt to go to the True Love Cafe since they do not admit children. And boy were there many big dogs 🙂

Marine Park
12:52 PM on Thursday 06 December 2018

Sea lion show
12:12 PM on Thursday 06 December 2018

After the lory exhibit, we went for the sea lion show.

Lory exhbit at the Marine Park
11:52 AM on Thursday 06 December 2018

After the Safari Park, we went to the Marine Park which has more animals than marine creatures. There was a Lory exhibit which we really liked. The lories were very friendly, of course the food helped.

French Fried
11:44 AM on Thursday 06 December 2018

While in the Marine Park, we chanced upon this menu which shows “French Fried”.

Safari World
10:03 AM on Thursday 06 December 2018

We went to the Bangkok Safari World which is zoo where you can drive in.