Esther did a canvas of a piglet which is so cute.
Esther was on TV yesterday (Ethiroli S13 - EP3, ). Everyone at home watched the episode to catch a glimpse of her.
I have been having issues with Spotlight on Yosemite not working after a while. I have used the following unload and load Spotlight and that seems to fix it.
Pauline and I are having a short escape at the Doubletree hotel in Johor Bahru. Here is the view from the hotel.
I had a bowl of duck noodles for lunch and the uncle laid out the ingredients in such a beautiful manner. It felt ready for a photo shoot.
The kids never seem to get tired of bouncing castles. The kids having fun with the crossbows.
Everyone enjoying the food at the Food and Beverage Fair at the Singapore Expo.
I typically like to use the format "chr:pos:ref:alt" as the ID for genotyping data. I feel that this is better than a rsid as it is descriptive enough that I can tell the location and alleles. Furthermore there is no ambiguity when matching or comparing SNPs. To change a VCF file to use this ID, do ...
Esther did a 3D gown using the 3D pen. It looks rather nice.