Esther's piglet
11:49 AM on Saturday 30 April 2016

Esther did a canvas of a piglet which is so cute.

Chubby is on TV
09:50 PM on Thursday 21 April 2016

Esther was on TV yesterday (Ethiroli S13 - EP3, ). Everyone at home watched the episode to catch a glimpse of her.

Spotlight issues
09:23 AM on Monday 04 April 2016

I have been having issues with Spotlight on Yosemite not working after a while. I have used the following unload and load Spotlight and that seems to fix it.

An old house
11:15 AM on Friday 25 March 2016

An old house next to City Square in Johor Bahru.

View from the hotel
05:00 PM on Thursday 24 March 2016

Pauline and I are having a short escape at the Doubletree hotel in Johor Bahru. Here is the view from the hotel.

A beautiful bowl of duck noodles
12:20 PM on Tuesday 22 March 2016

I had a bowl of duck noodles for lunch and the uncle laid out the ingredients in such a beautiful manner. It felt ready for a photo shoot.

Kids having fun
04:48 PM on Sunday 20 March 2016

The kids never seem to get tired of bouncing castles. The kids having fun with the crossbows.

Food and beverage fair
02:16 PM on Sunday 20 March 2016

Everyone enjoying the food at the Food and Beverage Fair at the Singapore Expo.

Changing the ID of VCF files
03:11 PM on Tuesday 08 March 2016

I typically like to use the format "chr:pos:ref:alt" as the ID for genotyping data. I feel that this is better than a rsid as it is descriptive enough that I can tell the location and alleles. Furthermore there is no ambiguity when matching or comparing SNPs. To change a VCF file to use this ID, do ...

Esther's 3D gown
09:03 PM on Monday 29 February 2016

Esther did a 3D gown using the 3D pen. It looks rather nice.